I am not known to gush on about government programs yet am taking the time to give the Canada’s National Research Council (NRC) a “paws-itive” review!
Certified Management Consulting and the NRC
When it comes to relatively inexpensive yet successful government programs for technology commercialization, NRC gets two paws up for their support of a unique product launch program for Front Porch Perspective client Cranimals, which makes a suite of organic cranberry and fruit based anti-oxidant supplements and biscuits for pets. Since I am a CMC (certified management consultant), I worked with Cranimals via the NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program to provide management advisory services (MAS) for a social media plan introducing pet lovers not only to the product but also the funky, fun lifestyle and commitment to pet health that Cranimals embodies.
Match the Go-To-Market Strategy to the Product and Culture
Canadian technology is more than telecom, hardware and software. Different and emerging industries need appropriate go-to-market and commercialization strategies. The NRC’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) embraced consulting support for Cranimals’ social media launch. Cranimals is a neutraceutical for pets that needed a technology commercialization and go to market strategy to match their product and culture – so they chose to do things differently. For example, the Cranimals Facebook page encourages their more than 3000 pet-loving friends to share their photos, videos and stories about their own special Cranimal. The Cranimals innovation goes beyond their product. They are using their Facebook page to broadcast their culture not just drone on about their product in typical boring technology product marketing speak. Of course they want their Cranimal friends to try their superior products though the purpose is to educate pet lovers about the benefits of organic, fruit based supplements through sharing not selling. For me as a management consultant, the Cranimals project was like a dream project – the team took their responsibility to the NRC contract very seriously by not only implementing the concepts but truly accepting that their technology product launch included their responsibility to their on-line community as an extension of their company culture.
Be the Dog you are – Authentically
Cranimals does ‘bark-outs’ on their twitter account rather than the typical shout outs and started ‘Woof-Wednesdays’. The company took the social media angle and re-made it for their community. The result, is a look and feel that is truly reflective of Cranimals’ commitment to pet health – it’s fun, and it’s who they are. Cranimals started with a single product and a small product launch though now their community expects the company to continue to innovate and expand their organic pet supplement product line with the same commitment to quality and caring for pets that they have always consistently demonstrated on-line. And pet lovers are lapping it up. Cranimals also has an active corporate giving program providing funds to animal rescue and shelter organizations – another example of their commitment to a healthy pet community. So is NRC a dog’s best friend? Sure it is – the NRC gave support to an innovative company and product that supports pet health and diversifies our economy. The NRC deserves the Cranimal tail wag for their paws-itive support of a new approach commercialization and launch!
About the Author
Terry Rachwalski is an MBA and CMC. Through her Victoria, BC management consulting firm, Front Porch Perspectives, Rachwalski assists technology firms with business development, go to market strategies and product launch including customized internet marketing, pay per click campaigns and social media monitoring services. As a Certified Management Consultant, Rachwalski has completed multiple NRC Management Advisory Services (MAS) contracts via the NRC and in cooperation with the Canadian Association of Management Consultants. Rachwalski will readily admits that the Cranimals project has been paws down, the most fun. The NRC supports Canadian technology via the Industrial Research Assistance Program. More information can be found on the NRC IRAP website