Thanks to all of you who are planning to attend my workshop on “Social Media Policies – Face your Fears” at Social Media Camp 2016. I likely won’t be posting the slides since – they are just images!
Here are a few more resources for you. I am posting in advance of the session since I will be attending sessions too! If you read in advance of the session, it will give us more to discuss.
1.) If you need more guidance on creating a social media policy for employee conduct and online behavior see my blog post Social Media Policies for Employers.
2.) Click on the Keep Calm and Don’t Feed the Trolls image for Social Media Escalation Tool that I got from another workshop that I went to. I would attribute it but I can’t remember the author! It was a wonderful presenter at a CPRS conference I spoke at.
3.) Here is my whiteboard for my 5 step process for developing social media policies. Go ahead and share.

4.) Finally, I did an infographic of the 5 steps because I had a bit of time and felt like playing around with a new template from Canva. Go ahead and share!