Thanks to all of you who are planning to attend my workshop on “Social Media Policies – Face your Fears” at Social Media Camp 2016. I likely won’t be posting the slides since – they are just images! Here are a few more resources for you. I am posting in advance of the session since […]
Management Consulting
Social Media Policies for Employers
Does your company have a social media policy for employee online behavior? Are you worried about how you might react when there is an issue? This blog post assists companies discuss what social media policies will be appropriate for them. It is based on my experience guiding companies through their efforts to include social media […]
How can Canada be a global leader in conflict resolution and enact measurable change on the world stage?
On my Facebook feed this morning, I encountered a university prof asking how to talk to his students about the ISIL crisis and a young person posting a link to a non-mainstream talk show that discussed the middle-east history, and the impact of post-colonialism and geo-politics. Heady stuff. Both these posts made me happy because […]
Business Consulting Dragon Slayers?
When your situation stops being “business as usual” The Canadian Association of Management Consultants or CMC-Canada launched an advertising campaign in 2014 with an image that depicts consultants as facing a fire breathing dragon made up of paperwork, old systems with a few disgruntled employees thrown in if you look closely. While most consulting […]
What does NRC DTAPP cover?
NRC DTAPP? Gezuntheit! (Blog Updated, March 2014) If you clicked on this article, I am assuming you know what NRC DTAPP is or at least know not to confuse it with a sneeze or symptoms of a cold. Neither should NRC DTAPP be confused with the DTaP vaccine for diptheria, tetanus, pertussis but the convoluted […]
What is the definition of productivity?
Canadian companies have to first understand the federal government definition of productivity. Most of us view labour productivity by how much we get done each day. We talk about our business productivity as it relates to employee productivity through the lens of getting critical work done. For governments and economists, using technology to increase labour productivity […]
Management Consultant or Contractor?
I don’t call myself a social media consultant even though a lot of the integrated marketing and communications work I do includes social media. Social media consultants are great at what they do. And while it is great to be recognized in my industry as being knowledgeable in communications and social media marketing, I don’t […]
Social Media Tools for the Willing
No one wants to be left behind in the fast moving digital world. But are you willing to dive in and learn new tricks? I was honoured to present at the rocking Eco-Tourism, Sustainable Tourism Conference in September 2011. It was a great crowd and everyone was clamoring for more! In the roundtable sessions – […]