Industry changes and innovation can be detrimental or can present a new opportunities. A business consulting action plan can help you see the opportunity and the inspiration for a new product offering, a new business model or a new strategic direction.
Transformation is about the implementation of a consulting action plan. Anyone can have an idea but only the ideas that are executed well have long term value.
The consulting process is not about writing reports. It is about making positive and lasting change. An implementation plan cannot be written by the business consultant alone – by its nature it will require resources, whether that is capital or operational funds, resources – that requires involvement by the strategy team in the decision making.
The consulting implementation phase outlines tasks, timelines, milestones, roles & responsibilities and metrics for success.
Front Porch Perspectives is a BC consulting firm that has implemented business development plans within a range of business sectors both as a short term consultant and as an embedded member of the executive team.